Krista Greenwood – Consulting

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MSC Krista Greenwood

Name: Krista Greenwood
Job: Consultant with Integrated Nonclinical Development Solutions Inc
Source: Michigan State University Alumni Spotlight [original post from April 2016]


The transition from research to consulting has been pretty seamless for me.  In nonclinical toxicology consulting I frequently use the skills I learned both in grad school at in my postdoc at Dow in experimental design.  Even though the types of studies that need to be conducted for nonclinical toxicology are clearly described in guidance documents from the FDA, we often discuss several variations of experimental designs before determining the plan that balances getting the most useful information for the least amount of money and resources for our clients.  One of the aspects of Consulting that I love is that there are always several different projects going on at the same time, and in our case, in many different therapeutic areas.  One thing I found while in my postdoc at Dow was that I was getting bored by being so focused in my research on inhalation toxicology. With consulting, I can be thinking about reproductive toxicology for one project, regulations for oncology drugs for another project and maximizing systemic exposures for another project.

Read the rest at the Michigan State University website

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