Name: Nicole Husain
Job: Educational game designer
Source: The Node [original post from February 2011]
For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved science, particularly the way you could ask any question you wanted and then figure out how to determine the answer. When I was 10 that meant ‘do walnut shells float’ and when I was 25 that meant ‘how does an epithelial lumen form between photoreceptor cells in a Drosophila retina.’ I did my undergrad at the University of Toronto at Mississauga, hoping to get into the Forensic Science program with biology as my major. Along the way I had some amazing hands-on research opportunities that really opened my eyes to research as a career and from then on I had my sights set on a PhD, and on becoming a PI.
Nicole Neuman
Nicole, what a cool career, and an incredible company! I am the Editor of Trends in Biochemical Sciences, a monthly reviews-only journal. I’d love to interview your for the journal; I think it would be useful for our readership, which includes a lot of scientific trainees, to hear your story about what you do and how you came to do it. Please reach out to me, I’d love to chat.