Name: Peter Kirsop
Job: Teaching Fellow
Source: Bitesize Bio [original post from April 2011]
Well, I came into the whole business as a mature student and started university when I was 40! Yes – old. Originally my intention was to leave after my undergraduate degree and get a teaching qualification. But then my Honours project supervisor persuaded me that it would be a good idea to do a PhD. So I started a PhD in organic chemistry and luckily for me, part way through my studies the conditions of the PhD were changed to include an element of undergraduate teaching. I ended up lecturing 1st year students and summer school students and doing tutorials. Then just as I was writing up my thesis, I saw a job advertised at the University of Edinburgh for a Teaching Fellow – I hadn’t realised there were such jobs available at that time – I applied and got the job! But prior to all of that – I was an engineer. One day you’re just lying there in a pool of oil, middle age racing towards you at full pelt, and you start to think – hmm, there must be a better way…..
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