Here are some resources that we’ve created, crowdsourced or come across online. Do let us know if you have anything that you’d like us to add.
Talks we’ve given and other science careers resources we’ve created
- Eva’s keynote talk, “You’re all different – creating your own career“, from the NatureJobs Careers Expo 2013.
- A flipboard online magazine of interesting blog posts about science careers.
- A storify of the discussions from the #scioAlt Science Careers session at ScienceOnline 2014 – led by Eva and live-tweeted by Lou.
Other careers information
- #IamScience tweets collected in a Storify.
- Careers (not just jobs) for PhDs outside the academy – blog post by Janet D. Stemwedel.
- On the origin of science writers – blog post by Ed Yong with contributions from almost 150 science writers about getting started.
- Careers for astronomy PhDs – notes from a seminar series by Nick Lee.
- BioScience Careers – blog by Sarah Blackford with useful advice for researchers.
- Starting out in Medical Communications – career guide and videos by Peter Llewellyn