Vicki Ronaldson – Clinical Research Scientist

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 Vicki Ronaldson
Job: Clinical Research Scientist
Source: BitesizeBio [original post from May 2011]



 I would say my chemistry background and synthesis-based PhD has helped in my understanding of pharmaceutics and with the laboratory/manufacturing work. Having a broad interest in science has also helped. In clinical research, no one is an expert on the disease/therapy group of every trial, so you need to have a good base level understanding of life science and be able to grasp new and sometimes fairly complex topics quickly. I also did a lot of lab demonstrating work as an undergraduate and then transferable skills demonstrating for a year after this. I think this has helped my communication skills immensely and my interest in writing and language is also a plus as clinical research involves a great deal of documentation.

Read the rest at BytesizeBio.

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